Monday, November 20, 2006

a Fresh Start

My third attempt on blogging has officially begun...

The first one was an extremely personal blog which eventually found its way to deletion... The second one is actually still up and on-hold, it's a blog on my research at LEMS as a graduate student at Brown University. I was actively blogging during last winter break (january 2006) however I didn't work on a lot of research on spring '06 and the summer time was frustrating as none of my proposed algorithms worked due to a hardware error which I was finally able to identify a couple of weeks ago. Anyhow, that is a different story - that blog is still on hold and my aim is to get it back on track with the contributions of my fellow grad students working in my professor's group.

I'll try to update this blog frequently (a few times a week) about the ideas and feelings that I develop through my experiences I encounter in my daily life. I'm kind of aware that good blogging requires a level of discipline and commitment thus this will be a good way to see how I'm doing in these terms...

current things going on in my life are:
- confronting two students in my professor's class for copying down answers from the solution manual of the book
- trying to persuade my professor to postpone my progress review 'till early february
- getting a good grasp of the topics in AM0211 - Real Analysis class and be ready for the final on December 12th to secure a B
- deciding between a sony dsc-w50 and casio exilim ex-s600 digital camera
- finishing a 1500 piece puzzle - the tower of babel
- deciding between buying an ipod - or some other form of an mp3 player to buy - this is a pretty interesting decision to make and the process is thought provoking because as I view it, by buying a digital music player you pretty much decide on the service you acquire music as well, which means it's not as simple as buying a digital camera (which in itself is not simple anyway)

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